Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation International Visiting Fellowships
1. To foster international collaborations with related think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and to promote academic exchanges between our staff and visiting fellows, the TAEF has stipulated the following guidelines:
2. Qualifications for visiting fellowships
International Visiting Fellow: recognized international academic scholars or established experts with specializations related to South Asia, Southeast Asia or the New Southbound Policy.
3. Rights and obligations
a. For the duration of the fellowship, TAEF will assist in applying for the use of relevant equipment and resources.
b. Unless further stipulated, TAEF will not bear any expenses other than the grants initially agreed.
c. Visiting fellows should submit a research paper that is no less than twenty pages and publish their research results in print. Visiting fellows are encouraged to acknowledge the sponsors or support they have received during their visit.
d. Visiting fellows are responsible for travel arrangements and other related matters, including quarantine arrangements and expenses.
e. In principle, visiting periods should last at least one month, with three consecutive months being the norm, and the total duration must not exceed twelve consecutive months.
f. Any violation of Taiwan's legal regulations or TAEF's professional moral principles will result in immediate termination of the fellowship.
g. Visiting fellows shall not hold new positions without the consent of TAEF, nor shall they receive scholarships or grants set by government institutions, public and private schools, and/or other academic institutions in Taiwan while pursuing the fellowship.
4. Eligibility does not extend to those who are:
a. Taiwanese Citizens
b. Scholars who have received this International Visiting Fellowship from TAEF
5. Required materials for application:
a. Application Form (Detailed Table 1)
b. Curriculum Vitae
c. Certificate of Qualification (i.e., Diploma, Certificate of Employment)
d. Research Proposal
e. One Letter of Recommendation
6. Quota: The TAEF awards a maximum of two fellowships at a given cycle.
7. International Visiting Fellowship Award:
a. The TAEF Fellowship awards international visiting fellows with a stipend per month for research and living expenses in Taiwan, according to the evaluation of our reviewers.
b. TAEF provides visiting fellows with NTD one million insurance for the duration of their fellowship.
8. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. When reviewing applications, TAEF shall consider the applicants’ qualifications, research proposal, and available resources before issuing an offer.
9. The selection procedure is as follows:
a. After a preliminary selection of the applicants, the information provided by the applicants will be evaluated based on their academic and policy influence.
b. TAEF will form a review committee composed of scholars and experts.
10. These guidelines shall be announced and implemented upon approval by TAEF’s Executive Director. The same procedure shall be applied to any future amendments.
Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation International Visiting Fellowships