Heading toward its fourth year, the Southeast Asia-South Asia-Taiwan (SEASAT) Youth Camp, jointly organized by the TAEF and the American Institute Taiwan, will bring together promising Asian youths for a journey of diversified learning, leadership enrichment and fostering lasting connections during their stay in Taipei, Taiwan from August 3-5, 2022.
Theme - Asian Youth’s Democratic Participation in the Post Pandemic Era
Dates - August 3 to 5, 2022 Taipei, Taiwan
— Digital governance in the new Indo-Pacific order
— Educational reforms for the future of work
— Migrants’ participation and integration for future democracy
— Reframing maritime cooperation across Indo-Pacific oceans
— Culture as the driving force in regional revitalization
— Building city resilience and achieving SDGs
— Youth in action for gender equality and social justice
— New media communication and new ways of storytelling
— Fostering different futures for youth in Asia
Please see more details about the 2022 SEASAT Youth Camp in the attachment: https://reurl.cc/7DNzx1
Application: https://www.surveycake.com/s/B...
Application Deadline: Online applications will remain open until 23:59, 22 June 2022. Early submission is highly encouraged. Applications sent via e-mail will not be accepted.
Contact: Mr. Cheng-Hsien, Chang
E-mail: jo11382001@taef.org
Tel: 02-2700-2367#27
※ AIT and TAEF will follow the CECC guidance and continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation closely and will notify selected participants of any changes regarding the 2022 SEASAT Youth Camp